13th June 2024: Collection holiday from 29th July to 11th August …

Dear business partners,

we will close due summer holiday from 29th July to 11th August 2024.

We are thank you for your understanding and also enjoy your vacantion … 🙂


1st December 2023: Christmas holiday 22nd Dec. – 2nd Jan.2024

Dear business partners,

let us wish you merry christmas, success and lot of health in whole new year 2024.

We are going to rest from 22nd December 2023 to 2nd January 2024, this period will our doorbell without response … 🙂


8.8.2023: We are back!

We apologize for the unavailability of our website from 2/8/2023 to 7/8/2023.
Unfortunately our website was attacked by hackers. But everything was saved and we are back here! 🙂

9th June 2023: Summer holidays / Shutdown …

Dear business partners,

here are dates of our service interruption due summer holidays:

3rd July  – 9th July 2023

24th July  – 6th August 2023

We are thank you for your understanding and also enjoy your vacantion … 🙂


14tha December 2022: Christmas holiday …

Dear business partners, let us draw your attention, that our all branches will closed from 22nd December 2022 to 2nd Januar 2023.

We wish you merry Christmas, lot of health and successful whole year 2023.

Thank you for you favor.

15th August 2022: Cancelled FAX line …

Dear business partners,

I decided cancelled FAX line 15th August 2022. We never been contactet by this line +420 382 271 361 past five years. Please use for text and data connection just e-mail addresses.

Thank you for your understanding and nice summer days

Mr.Pavel Pewner, CEO

20th December 2021: Christmas greeting …

Dear business partners,

wa are thank you for your collaboratin for last year and thank you for your favor. Let me wish you merry Christmas and lot of healt for next whole new year 2022.

We look forward to seeing you from 3rd January 2022, Pavel Pewner, CEO

20th July 2021: Working hours during vacation period …

Dear business partners,

I would like inform you, that this summer time will not be interrupt working hours of the  cable production department as well as wholesale dept. and online store. These departments will continuously works up to end of year. An electronics production department will interrupt working hours from 26th July to 8th August 2021. In this period we will just receive parcels to stock but forwarded to main building.

I belive, that this long time preparing change of continuos production will for you positive.

I wish you nice summer days.

Mr.Pavel Pewner, CEO

11th February 2021: Newly, card acceptation in our branch …

Dear customer,

newly you can pay by your bank cards all material and goods direct in our branch.

We believe, that this payment method will for you suitable and allows us more faster handle your request.

Pleasent shopping …

9th December 2020: Wishes of peaceful holidays and health in the new year…

Dear Business Partners,

we draw your attention to the closure of the company during the Christmas holidays and the beginning of the working year 4.1.2021. We will submit your pending orders according to the submitted schedule and we will do our best to process them by Christmas.

Thank you for your cooperation and support in the past period and we look forward to further joint projects in the new year 2021. We wish you a peaceful holiday and good health in new year 2021.

Ing.Pavel Pewner, Managing Director

2nd October 2020: Announcement of new business conditions …

Dear business partners, we are prepared new business terms as well as documet how to shop no just in our e-STRORE konektor-kabel.cz . Both documets nowely cover card payment possibility,changed discount policy etc. These documents Business terms and How to shop you will find in section download. All mentioned documets cover condition for all activity of our firm.

We are thank you for understanding and acceptance of these conditions.

CEO, Mr.Pavel Pewner

10th August 2020: We are after holiday and …

we are hard working again in full power as bees 🙂

21st June 2020: Summer holiday 2020 …

Dear business partners, we would like to draw your attention to the company-wide holiday from 27th Jully to 9th August 2020. During this period, production and shipping will be interrupted as well as deliveries of the wholesale e-STORE konektor-kabel.cz. Thank you for your understanding and we wish you beautiful summer days and undisturbed holiday.

12th May 2020: CORONAVIRUS and cancelation of restriction …

Dear business partners,

I ordered 11th May 2020 with immediate validity  cancel all restriction  as well as receiving of visitors and business trips of our employes. At this moment valid just restriction given by government of the Czech Republic, mainly wear protection veil and limited bigger grups.

Thank you in and let me wish you lot of health. Dipl.Ing. Pavel Pewner, CEO

12th March 2020: CORONAVIRUS and announced restriction in firm ….

Dear business partners,

I ordered 11th March 2020 with immediate validity absolutly restriction of all visiting our company as well as business trips of our employes. This prohibition is not restrict receiving of material and handling prepared goods, but just in our logistical places and for neccessary needet time.

This prohibition valid up to date we will canceled it. Information about this act will publicate on our official web pages.

Thank you in advance for understandig and let me wish you lot of health. Dipl.Ing. Pavel Pewner, CEO

20th January 2020: Restriction of the reception desk services …

Dear business partners,

let me inform you, that we restricted services of the reception desk as well as its phone lines. Therefore please, use our contact list to find asked person or service. I also draw your attention, that is better use e-mail contact first and also organize meetings and visits in advance. I thank you for receiving these organisation changes.


9th January 2020: Initiation of the year 2020 …

Dear business partneres,

we started new year 2020 by intensive work to finish all your projects in time. We ask you for your patience related to preparation for quality audits as well as changes we are doing in internal logistical services. Thank you for your understanding.

19th December 2019: Company holiday in christmas time …

Dear business partners,

let me draw your attention for our firm holiday in christmas time from 20th December 2019 to 2nd January 2020. We are thank you for your colaboration and we wish you peaceful christmas and lot of health in whole year 2020.

Pavel Pewner, CEO

8th December 2019: New on line price calculator of a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) assembly services …

Dear customers,

let us draw your attention for new system of calculation of PCB assembly services as well as supply of your projects. New on line calculator has also kontext help, which simplify filling form and allows you get back immediately binding price offer. Here are next infornation.

We are thank you that you are use our services.


11th June 2019: Summer holiday from 22nd July till 4th August 2019 …

Dear business partners, let us draw your attention to our summer holiday from 22nd July till 4th August 2019. All productions will interrupted as well as deliveries even from our whosale e-STORE. Thank you for understanding and let us wish you sunny summer days and non disturbed holiday :-))

16th December 2018: We are wishing you nice christmas time …

Dear business partners, let us draw your attention for our Christmas holiday in period from 22nd December to 2nd January 2019. We are wishing you nice christmas time and everything best in new year 2019. Your team PEWTRONIC s.r.o.

27th September 2018: UL certification of the wiring harnesses production …

Dear customers, let us inform you, that from 24th September 2018 we are certified by company UL  (Underwriters Laboratories, Inc) for production of a cable  assemblies and wiring harnesses UL subjeect 764 CSA for USA and Canada. Nowadays we are able offer you cable assemblies intended for mentioned markets. Cables will signed by label RU you can see on enclosed picture. Representats of the department of cable assemblies will provide you with more informations and projects support. We are looking forward to another cooperation.

10th April 2018: Plan of holidays / production breaks for year 2018 …

Dear business partners, we draw your attention for follow production breaks planed in year 2018:

28th April to 1st May – Spring off I

5th May to 8th May  – Spring off II

23rd July to 5th August  – Summer holiday

24th December to 2nd January 2019 – Christmas holiday

Please, consider your production plans according to dates shows above. Thank you.

26th January 2018: Important notice for customers and vendors, please read it …

Dear business partners,

according to demands to increase of our production capacity, we have to move machinery part and offices of electronics manufacturing department (ELVYR) to our new hall. This hall is located oposite to our main building across the street. Address is Pod Portyčskými skalami 496, Písek, Czech Republic. Here are showed described photos and addresses.

Materials can by forwarded also to this new address. All details will correctly mark in our new order forms.

Personal delivery of materials or goods, please, consult in advance with projet leaders or our reception desk.

Visitor parking lot is located front the headquartes building. All visits and meeting are organize just in meeting rooms in main building.

All non planed visits of our production areas are prohibited to avoid disturb regime of manufacturing.

We are thank you in advance for understanding these instruction.

Your team of PEWTRONIC s.r.o.

24th December 2018: Dear business partners Merry Christmas and everything best in New year 2018…

Dear business partners Merry Christmas and everything best in New year 2018…

P.s.: We are closed till 3rd January 2018

29th November 2017: Dear business partners, comming our Christmas holiday starting 22nd December 2017 …

Dear business partners, comming our Christmas holiday starting 22nd December 2017 and finish 2nd January 2018. Don´t panic, we will take care of it … 🙂

22nd September 2017: Dear business partners, let us draw your attention for our public holiday 28th September …

Dear business partners, let us draw your attention for our public holiday 28th September and folow day of collection holiday 29th September 2017. Thank you for understanding.

23rd June 2017: Our holiday from 5th to 9th July 2017 and from 24th July to 6th August 2017

Our holiday is coming, here are dates when we will relaxing … 🙂
from 5th to 9th July 2017 and from 24th July to 6th August 2017

5th June 2017: New wholesale e-STORE, new purchase possibilities, better prices …

Dear customers,

we officialy opened new wholesale eSTORE at new domain address www.konektor-kabel.cz today. We are fully changed conseption, offered information and  better sale support as possibility use combined discount for higher amout of purchase as well as loyalty discount. A new form of this e-Store allows use your mobile devices also based on secured communication (https:// protocol). You can also share favorite items with your colleagues over social networks and you can use lot of new improvements and simplifications.

Nowadays is possible make a purchase without registration for firms and end customers. Login datas used in old eSTORE at domain www.pewtronic.cz are the same and you can use it here to access to your account here.

We will pleased for your visiting and your purchase.

Thank you for your preserved favor na we wish you pleasant shoping at www.konektor-kabel.cz

Your team of company PEWTRONIC s.r.o.

13th April 2017: New parking places for visitors front the main building…

Dear business partners, due a construction works on our new production hall in areal „across the street“ we had to move parking places for visitors. You will find new places for your cars in position front the main building.

24th March 2017: Car arrival to our company will limited 28th March 2017…

Due the diagnostic of the Jiraskuv bridge will limited car arrival to our company on 28th March 2017. Bridge will open just for Walkers. 🙁

13th Januarty 2017: We are ready again to fullfill your task in new year 2017

24th December 2016: Dear business partners, let me wish you Merry Christmas and everything best in new year 2017. Pavel Pewner, CEO

Production plant and wholesale is closed till 2nd January 2017. Thank you for understanding.

24th November 2016: Dear business partners, our collection holiday is coming and we will closed from 22nd Dec. till 2nd Jan.2017

Dear business partners, our collection holiday is coming and we will closed from 22nd December till 2nd Januar 2017. We will do maximum to finish your projects and avoid any troubles. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Your certified partner acc. to ISO9001:2015, IPC-A-610 soldering standard and wiring harnesses UL subject 764 CSA. The company PEWTRONIC has great experience since 2003.