Online price calculator of a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) assembly services On-line service 24 hours 7 days per week. You will imediately receive machine calculated binding price offer to entered e-mail address after filling needed technical information to form below and its sending. |
I want just PCB assemblyI want just PCB conformal coating Choose asked currency for price offer: CZK EUR Predefined exchange ratio: EUR = 24.7 CZK USD Predefined exchange ratio: USD = 23.4 CZK Price calculation validity from: 1.6.2022 Last uptade: 28th June 2022 |
L1 | Needed summary quantity of assembled PCBs: | [pcs] | ||
L2 | Asked delivery time for whole ordered project: up working days | |||
L3 | PCB must be delivered by supplier of assembly services: | yes no | ||
L4 | Electronic components (not PCB) must be delivered by supplier of services: | yes no | ||
L5 | Stencil for screen printing must be delivered by supplier of assembly services: | yes no | ||
PCB definition | ||||
P1 | Length [mm], Note: maximum allowed length is mm, please see help too: | [mm] | ||
P2 | Width [mm], Note: maximum allowed width is mm, please see help too: | [mm] | ||
P3 | PCB panelization will with more figures per board, Note: final sizes must not across overal sizes shows above: | [pcs] | ||
P4 | Used PCB has more than two layers, or also will placed by SMD with higher relative mass as are heavy spools, hybrid blocks etc.: | yes no | ||
P5 | Used PCB is flexible (semirigid): | yes no | ||
Definition components, TOP side of the PCB | ||||
T1 | SMD sizes 0603 and bigger 0805, 1206, SO, SOT MINI-MELF, SMA, DPAK, TANTAL, etc.: | [pcs] | Number of species | Summary quantity |
T2 | SMD sizes 0402 and smaller 0201,01005 incl. fine pitch ICs with legs pitch =< 0,65mm, BGA, QFP, QFN etc.) | [pcs] | Number of species | Summary quantity |
T3 | THT components placed thru the PCB: | [pcs] | Number of species | Summary quantity |
T4 | Quantity of pads of the THT components soldered from BOTtom side of the PCB: | |||
T5 | Is layout of a soldered pads of THT devices on BOT side optimized for tin wave soldering?: | yes no | ||
Definition components, BOTtom side of the PCB | ||||
B1 | SMD sizes 0603 and bigger 0805, 1206, SO, SOT MINI-MELF, SMA, DPAK, TANTAL, etc.: | [pcs] | Number of species | Summary quantity |
B2 | SMD sizes 0402 and smaller 0201, 01005 incl. fine pitch ICs with legs pitch =< 0,65mm, BGA, QFP, QFN etc.) | [pcs] | Number of species | Summary quantity |
B3 | THT components placed thru the PCB: | [pcs] | Number of species | Summary quantity |
B4 | Quantity of pads of the THT components soldered from TOP side of the PCB: | |||
B5 | Is layout of a soldered pads of THT devices on TOP side optimized for tin wave soldering?: | yes no | ||
Recapitulation of used components, checksums of all amounts | ||||
S1 | SMD number of all species used in layers TOP and BOT: | [pcs] | Number of species | Summary quantity |
S2 | THT number of all species used in layers TOP and BOT: | [pcs] | Number of species | Summary quantity |
C1 | Použít implicitní lak ELPEGUARD SL1306 / N-FLZ / 23, pokud ne, uveďte typ v poznámce: | yes no | ||
C2 | Strany, které se budou lakovat: | TOP BOT | ||
Additional works and next services needed to do on PCB | ||||
A1 | Post process PCB washing, Note: cleaning by special liquid bath in ultrasonic washer, rinse, drying: | yes no | ||
A2 | Identification of PCB by resistant labels with printed SN, bar code, date etc.: | yes no | ||
A3 | Protection of solder pads for follow soldering of wires, jumpers sockets and next soldering components: | [pcs] | ||
A4 | Loading software to IC\'s, testing of assembled PCBs etc. Please record your standardized time: | [min] | Summary time | |
A5 | Each one PCB must be separated from panelized group, please see row P3 and help too: | yes no | ||
A6 | Additional mechanical works as screwing of bolts, riveting of cooolers etc. Please record your standardized time: | [min] | Summary time | |
A7 | Klimatický test osazené DPS / výrobku: | yes no | ||
Identification of your project and e-address | ||||
I1 | Company name:
[text] |
I1 | Name of the person for whom the calculation is intended:
[text] |
I1 | Name of your project, PCB signature or P/N etc.:
[text] |
I2 | Name of person who fill this form:
[text] |
I3 | Notes and special
comments: [text] |
I4 | E-mail address for receiving results of online calculator / price offer:
[text] |
I5 | Anti spam verification: What is result +
[number] |
Help and asked records explanation:
L1: Exactly filled number of PCB help us calculate time for whole project and estimate delivery time as well as give you amount discount. back
L2: Asked delivery time for your project. This not include needed time for receiving all components needed for PCB assembly. There is not also sure, that shorter delivery time will be understood as express delivery. It depend on technological difficulty and used components. back
L3: Defines, who will provide printed circuit to your project. Selection of this item affects logistical cost of this project. back
L4: Defines, who will provide an electronics components to your project. Selection of this item affects logistical cost of this project. back
L5: Our math algorithm use for calculating stencil printing however we are able dispense soldering paste or glue. Access to this option is in case, that customer want supply PCBs. back
P1: Size of PCB is important for calculation of throughput of production line and combine technological steps. back
P2: Size of PCB is important for calculation of throughput of production line and combine technological steps. back
P3: Multiples of figures present on one board save cost of production. We recommend keep suggested amount of figures. Please note don't forget keep technological edges min. 5 mm. This edges can be cut down after PCBs manufacturing, back
P4: This answer tell us how can be possible solder multilayer PCB as well as SMD components with higher relative mass which can cool temperature of near area and affected correct soldering of other components. In case, that you choose yes, its will count with vapour phase soldering technology. back
P5: Semirigid foiled printed circuits are more difficult for machinery manufacturing as well as hand work. back
T1: Here write amount of species and summary amount of „bigger“ SMD, which you will count on TOP side of PCB. This record allows us determine amount of needed components feeders and amount of components itself. This record affects working and logistic services price. back
T2: Here write amount of species and summary amount of „smaller“ SMD, which you will count on TOP side of PCB. This record allows us determine amount of needed components feeders and amount of components itself. This record affects working and logistic services price. back
T3: Here write amount of species and summary amount of THT components, which you will count on TOP side of PCB. This record affects working and logistic services price. back
T4: Here should be write amount of solder pads from BOTtom side of PCB, which is needed solder to contact legs of THT deviceses placed from TOP side. This record allows us determine best soldering advance and affect cost of work. back
B1: Here write amount of species and summary amount of „bigger“ SMD, which you will count on BOT side of PCB. This record allows us determine amount of needed components feeders and amount of components itself. This record affects working and logistic services price. back
B2: Here write amount of species and summary amount of „smaller“ SMD, which you will count on BOT side of PCB. This record allows us determine amount of needed components feeders and amount of components itself. This record affects working and logistic services price. back
B3: Here write amount of species and summary amount of THT components, which you will count on BOT side of PCB. This record affects working and logistic services price. back
B4: Here should be write amount of solder pads from TOP side of PCB, which is needed solder to contact legs of THT deviceses placed from BOT side. This record allows us determine best soldering advance and affect cost of work. back
S1: This value allows us determine SMD correlation between TOP na BOT PCB sides as well as verify summary checksum of used components. You can také value from Bill of Materials and compare it with placing plan. back
S2: This value allows us determine THT devices correlation between TOP na BOT PCB sides as well as verify summary checksum of used components. You can také value from Bill of Materials and compare it with placing plan. back
C1: Výběr laku, který má být použit pro lakování DPS. Doporučujeme se přiklonit našemu implicitnímu laku, který splňuje nejvyšší nároky na ochranu a zároveň je trasovatelný pod UV světlem. Je častou volbou většiny zákazníků.Pokud však zvolíte "ne", pak ve výpočtu bude zahrnut poplatek za výměnu laku, jež vyžaduje i vyčištění aplikačních okruhů a dispenzních trysek lakovacího automatu. Také musíme upozornit na případné náklady spojené s ředěním laku na požadovanou aplikační hustotu. V neposlední řadě může být problém s výraznou těkavostí a zápachem vámi požadovaného laku, pak úplně vylučujeme možnost uplatnění ve výrobě.Volbou "ne" také nebude zahrnut lak a pomocné chemikálie (čistidlo a ředidlo) ve výpočtu ceny. Bude to nabídnuto separátně v cenách za nominální balení výrobce. back
C2: Zde vybíráte, na které strany DPS se bude aplikovat lak. Oboustranné lakování může přinést náklady spojené s technologickou pauzou mezi dosušením jedné vrstvy a následnou aplikaci laku na druhou vrstvu. back
A1: Here you will choose if you need post process PCB washing however we are using non corrosive solder substances. This record affects working price. back
A2: Here you will choose if you need ensure identification of each PCB running thru production line. This record affects working price. back
A3: Here you will choose if you need protect some solder pads against soldering in tin wave. It is useful when you going solder here some next parts. This record affects working price. back
A4: Your project are usually more sophisticated and electronics assemblies should be tested or EEPROM with software loaded etc. Here you fill time you expect for this task. This record affects working price. back
A5: This option tell us if you want keep PCBs as multiple figures on one board for example for next fabrication. This record affects working price. back
A6: This option tell us what next manufacturing steps you expect. Here is mentioned various mechanical works. Recorded time should be realistic and telling us your estimated time neede to do all mentioned working steps. This record affects working price. back
A7: Nabídka není aktivní, služba se do automatického výpočtu připravuje. Děkujeme za pochopení. back
I1: Here you can fill up company name, project identification, P/N of your product etc. Don't record your protected datas!!! back
I2: Here is place for filling name and surname of person who filled this entry form. Don't record your private protected datas!!! back
I3: Here you can record notes and comments you want to draw attention for. Don't record your private protected datas!!! back
I4: Here is place for e-mail address where should be send calculated price offer. We will get copy of this offer and you can simply mention it when our business talks will continue. Don't record your private protected datas!!! back
I5: This is anti spam protection. Please fill up field by result of simple mathematics task. back
T5, B5: Soldering pads, which are near or in area of placed SMD there is high probability, that during tin wave solder process will apply tin also here and cause demaging or shorts between devices. This also valid for SMD sennisitive packages as optical or acustic devices etc. For example the same situation can caused also two solder pads of THT capacitor surrounded by placed SMD. In mentioned cases is neccessary choose in production selective wave soldering or hand soldering. We know, that this option is difficult answer for layman, but this information can rapidly change price for assembly when is applied more THT per PCB or for higher production batch. When you are not sure, keep option Yes and then is valid condition mentioned in article T4 and B4. back
T1, T2, B1, B2: Long praxis show us, that each projects use other componets and has other range and difficulty. Why we separate SMD to bigger and smaler? Answer is easy. We would like optimalize production and cost by determinating for suitable machinery. We dispose with machinery with laser centering of SMD, simple for programing and device feeding, but placeing slowly than other high precise camera centering machines. But this faster machines takes more time for programing and feeder preparation. Our math algoritnm decise what is cheaper for customer. Bigger components are also more simple for visual inspection and next fabrication.
Your certified partner acc. to ISO9001:2015, IPC-A-610 soldering standard and wiring harnesses UL subjeect 764 CSA. The firm PEWTRONIC has great experiences since 2003.